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Tips on Submitting a Competitive Application



1. Personal Statement:

  • Be sure to start your statement in advance.
  • Get your statement revised by peers and professors.
  • Reach out to the Office of Leadership, Service, and Career to get your statement revised.
  • Make sure to answer all the questions in the prompt

2. Resume:

3. Writing Sample:

  • Be sure to submit a writing sample that truly reflects your abilities as a writer and as a researcher.
  • Submit a paper that you’re proud of from a class that you enjoy
  • Example: Five-page paper from a Political Science course or a 2-page paper from one course and a 3-page paper from another course.

4. (2) Letters of Recommendation:

  • Begin to think about the people that understand your abilities as a student and as a young professional.
  • Contact your desired Letter of Recommendation authors by email or in person (ex. Office hours)
  • Remind them what of the course they taught you and what your accomplishments were during your time as their student.
  • Describe what the letter of recommendation is needed for (ex. UCDC Program) and what you will gain from the experience.
  • Make sure to provide your resume

5. Interview Preparation

  • As part of the application process, students are invited to participate in an interview to discuss their interest in UCDC.
  • Practice and prepare for the interview process.
  • Contact the Office of Leadership, Service and Career for Interview resources and tips.